
RGA’s LED Mounting Hardware and Complete LED Assemblies

RGA offers a broad range of LED mounting hardware, holders, and complete LED assemblies, providing a low-cost and efficient method of component alignment and assembly consistency.

The products are manufactured using high-quality materials, many of which meet UL specification 94V-0 flammability rating. RGA’s high-volume assembly capabilities offer reduced assembly costs, high quality, consistency, and convenience.

Extruded, Self-Retaining LED Mounts

These mounts feature self-retaining designs, allowing for easy assembly without tools, and firmly retain LEDs during handling and assembly steps. They are ideal for automatic insertion and precise mounting, and are virtually the same diameter as the LED.

Molded, Self-Retaining LED Mounts

These mounts have a unique design that allows for self-retention and drainage of leaning solvents. They are made of high-temperature, black material rated 94V-0 by UL, and are suitable for SMT assembly and automatic insertion.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/h-2rv-4/-1536516957900798705/

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