
LED Mounting Hardware and Assemblies

RGA offers a range of LED mounting hardware, holders, and complete LED assemblies designed for low-cost, efficient, and high-quality assembly.

The products are made from high-quality materials, with many meeting UL specification 94V-0 flammability rating. They are available both assembled with RGA LED products and sold separately for customer assembly.

The Extruded, Self-Retaining LED Mounts are designed for easy assembly and handling, with a self-retaining feature that allows pre-assembly and automatic insertion. They are available in various styles to accept different LED types and are made from UL-rated 94V-0 Black PVC material.

The Molded, Self-Retaining LED Mounts have a unique design that enables self-retention and drainage of solvents, making them suitable for high-temperature applications and SMT assembly.

Contact RGA for quotations and samples, specifying the required items and whether they should be provided separately or as a complete assembly.


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