
KEMET CHARGED Tantalum Capacitor Overview

The datasheet details the specifications of a tantalum capacitor identified by the part number T11IB5O5JO2OAS (also referred to as T111B5O5JOZOAS). This capacitor is manufactured by KEMET, a company recognized for producing electronic components.

Key Specifications

The capacitor has a capacitance of 5 uF with a tolerance of ±5%. It is designed to operate at a voltage of 20V at an ambient temperature of 85°C, and can withstand up to 13V at a higher temperature of 125°C. The component is characterized by a non-polar or bi-polar design suitable for applications that require an axial hermetically sealed structure following the ‘cs13-style’.

Physical Dimensions

The datasheet provides the physical dimensions of the capacitor which include: a length of 38.1 mm, an extended length of 28.7 mm, and a body diameter of 5.26 mm to 24.26 mm.

Operational Parameters

The operating temperature range for this component is broad, spanning from -55°C to +125°C. Its leakage current is specified at 1 µA, and it has a dissipation factor of 6%.

Product Packaging

For shipping and handling, the capacitor is conveniently packaged in a bulk bag.

Intended Use and Limitations

KEMET provides statements on the suitability of the capacitor for certain applications, which are based on typical conditions expected for such use cases. However, it is important to note that these statements do not constitute a warranty. The information is intended for customers with the appropriate technical experience to determine correct product applications.

Disclaimer and Technical Advice

The datasheet explicitly states that KEMET does not hold any liability for technical advice provided or for the results obtained from the use of this information. Technical advice regarding the use of KEMET products is offered gratis, implying free of charge. The company also clarifies that the customer assumes full responsibility for ensuring the product’s suitability for their specific applications or uses.

The datasheet pertains to the T11IB5O5JO2OAS capacitor that was last updated within the 2006-2018 timeframe by


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