

This datasheet is a technical document for IC assembly sockets specification, detailing the features, options, standards, and physical characteristics of various socket types. Extensive information is given about body specifications, plating, and lead style specifications for the IC assembly, offering instructions for choosing the correct component based on the project requirements.

Body Specification

Several socket profiles are provided, including the standard profile with open or closed center options, high-temperature super low profile, and slim profile. The document specifies clearances for decimal places and angles to ensure precise manufacturing and compatibility.

Position Specification

The socket’s contact force is addressed, providing standard force guidelines and options for low contact force, as well as minimum pushout forces for different assembly types.

Plating Specification

Plating combinations for the sockets include options such as cold/cold, gold/tin, extra heavy cold/gold, and flash gold/tin. Each plating specification is associated with a unique suffix to be specified in the socket suffix.

Lead Style Specification

Dedicated lead style preferences are outlined to assist in socket identification, with detailed tables listing various series, positions, and parts numbers associated with each lead configuration.

Assembly Socket Specification

Standard and low insertion force options are explored within the datasheet, reinforcing the user’s capability to tailor components to specific needs and requirements. Reference visuals such as non-flush assembly and flush assembly are included for clarity.

Packaging Options

Different packaging options for the sockets are summarized with corresponding lead styles and tube specifications, aiding in identification and ordering processes.

Additional Information

The document indicates that detailed information is proprietary to SVTEC Inc. and that any reproduction or use is controlled. Contact and manufacturing information for SVTEC Inc., including their New Albany, Indiana address and phone number, is provided at the bottom of the pages.

Please note: Users are advised not to scale from the prints, ensuring reliance on precise measurements provided in the tables and figures.


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