

The datasheet provides detailed information about a hard terminal block designed for PCB mounting with specific features including an interlocking capability. The product has an identifier that includes various part numbers such as 3-15462-7-2A and 3-15462-7-3 as shown on the document. Physical dimensions in millimeters are also provided and appear to detail the specifications for screw type, sizes, and positions for these terminal blocks.

Revisions and Approvals

There have been revisions to the datasheet, indicating corrections have been made to the title on July 16, 2018, by an individual with initials R.K. Furthermore, the document lists part numbers such as B2, 15/62/7-3A, and others, with a ‘PN CORRECTED’ notice. This could imply an amendment in the part numbering scheme or corrections to previous errors. Additionally, there’s an approval section with signatures or approval marks for the document by individuals identified by initials like PS, indicating that the document has passed necessary review stages.

Test Facility and Features

The document mentions a test facility, suggesting that the product has undergone certain tests to ensure reliability and safety. The interlocking feature is also highlighted, which is crucial in the context of a terminal block as it assures secure connection and potentially affects how the product is utilized in an electrical circuit.

Obsolete Notice

A section is marked as “OBSOLETE,” indicating that some of the information or product specifications might no longer be relevant or has been updated. It’s unclear from the provided content what specific information is considered obsolete.

Technical Drawing and Dimensions

Further, the datasheet includes technical drawings with various reference numbers and measurements like ‘2.5 REF’ and ‘0.50+0.05 TYP.’ These notations typically indicate reference points and typical dimensions, which are essential for designers and installers to understand how the terminal block integrates into a printed circuit board (PCB).

Controlled Document and Product Specifications

This document is described as a controlled document, meaning it has been officially released for public or internal company use after approvals and is subject to change control procedures. The product is specified as a side entry wire stacking terminal block with an 08-2016 part number featuring interlock, 5.08mm pitch, and associated with application SP-14-20079.

Recommended PCB Layout

The provided dimensions and recommendations suggest that the datasheet includes guidance for the recommended PCB layout necessary for the terminal block integration.


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