
The datasheet provides detailed specifications for the Flex 0.050″ Centerline Terminal Assembly, identified by part number YFT-XX-05-X-XX-SB-XX. It outlines the product’s features, including solder ball parts, plating and row specifications, and packaging information. The document also contains dimensional details and notes on materials, emphasizing the importance of not scaling from the print, and the proprietary nature of the information.

Product Description and Options

The assembly is designed for positions ranging from 20 through 50, each with corresponding maximum coplanarity and maximum TIB (Tin-Indium-Bismuth) bow measurements after solder ball attachment. It includes a range of plating options—gold variants (standard gold, heavy gold, and extra heavy gold)—and a choice of rows (three, five, six, eight, or ten rows), depending on the specific model reference. The datasheet also describes the standard color (black) for the insulator, which is made of LCP (Liquid Crystal Polymer), and the terminals composed of brass and alloy 260.

Physical Dimensions

It contains precise physical dimensions, referencing figures that likely appear on the second page of the datasheet. This includes measurements for part sizes, positions, and spacing, with a recommendation to refer to a visual inspection board for solder ball appearance checks.

Product Coding Information

The datasheet includes coding conventions for various specifications such as decimals and angles. Additionally, there is a notice about proprietary information, urging against replication or distribution without consent from Samtec.

Packaging and Handling

Parts are to be packaged in tubes that are specified in Table 4, and there are detailed guidelines for the packaging process. The notes make it clear that certain information has been deleted, which may refer to outdated or irrelevant data.

Solder Ball Attachments

Important notes provide maximum allowance for burr and pushout force. It specifies the maximum allowable distance for solder wicking up the terminal and variation between solder balls. It also includes critical dimensions and tolerances for the components.

Contact Information

The datasheet lists Samtec’s contact information, including their address in New Albany, Indiana, along with phone and fax numbers, and an email address for further inquiries.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/yft-40-05-h-05-sb-k/-5117704408172957416/

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