

The F Series Pushbutton Switches datasheet provides detailed information on the features, specifications, and ordering codes for these RoHS compliant and compatible switches.

The switches are available in various contact arrangements, mechanical functions, and terminal styles, with options for custom switches also available.

Key Specifications

The switches have a maximum switching power of 50 VA/15 W, with a maximum switching voltage of 125/30 V and a maximum switching current of 0.5/0.5 A. The operating force ranges from 2U to 10U, with an operating temperature range of -40°C to 70°C.

Ordering Information

To order a switch, simply select the desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box. Available options are shown and described on pages A-89 thru A-97. For additional options not shown in the catalog, consult the Customer Service Center.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/f-4u-ee-01a-c/3821438641967852739/

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