
The M2300 and H2300 series VCXO (Voltage-Controlled Crystal Oscillator) is a high-frequency, low-phase-noise timing solution from Valpey Fisher Corporation.

Features and Applications

Excellent incremental and best-straight-line linearity with start-up time less than 5ms, making it suitable for applications such as xDSL customer premise equipment, cable modems, and ATMIS/DH.

Electrical Specifications

The VCXO operates within a frequency range of 1.5 MHz to 125 MHz, with excellent frequency stability and aging characteristics. Supply voltage is 3.0V to 3.6V, and output levels are typically 3V to 6V.

Environmental and Mechanical Conditions

The VCXO is designed to operate in various environmental conditions, including shock, vibration, humidity, and resistance to solvents. The device is available in both full-size and half-size packages, with a nickel-plated Kovar pin and a stainless steel case.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/m-2342-150-00mg/-2396209665666336617/

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