The SERIES Y RELAY is a non-latch relay with a hermetically sealed, corrosion-resistant metal can, featuring a low-level rating of 28 Vdc and 115/200 Vac, 400 Hz.
Key Characteristics
The relay has a weight of 0.058 lb max and dimensions of 0.81 in x 0.81 in x 0.64 in. It has a special model available upon request.
The contact arrangement is qualified to MIL-PRF-83536, with a contact rating of 5 A per pole and load type.
The coil characteristics include a nominal operating voltage, maximum operating voltage, and maximum pickup voltage, with a coil resistance of 400 ohms.
General Characteristics
The relay has a temperature range of -70°C to +125°C, with a minimum operating cycle of 100,000 at rated load and 400,000 at 25% rated load.
The dielectric strength at sea level is 1000 Vrms, and the insulation resistance is 100 MΩ min.
The relay is designed to operate in harsh environments, with sinusoidal vibration and random vibration testing according to MIL-STD-202 method 204.
Note: This summary is based on the information provided on the first two pages of the datasheet.
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