
Ecliptek E13C7EZF-155.520M Quartz Crystal Clock Oscillator Overview

The Ecliptek E13C7EZF-155.520M datasheet details a high-performance Quartz Crystal Clock Oscillator that operates on a 3.3Vdc supply voltage and outputs a nominal frequency of 155.520MHz. Designed in a compact 6-pad 5.0mm x 7.0mm Surface Mount Device (SMD) package, this oscillator is suitable for various electronic applications requiring precise timing.

Regulatory Compliance

This product adheres to regulatory standards including EURoHS, ChinaRoHS, REACH 191 SVHC, and is certified DRC Conflict-Free. It is notable for being lead-free and compliant with major environmental regulations. For the most current compliance documentation, users are directed to access them via Ecliptek’s website.

Electrical Specifications

The device has a frequency tolerance/stability of ±25ppm within the operating temperature range of 0°C to +70°C. The electrical section highlights several performance characteristics, including input current of 75mA maximum, an output voltage logic high (Voh) and logic low (Vol), and a duty cycle of 50% ±5%. Notably, the rise/fall time is specified at 300ps to 700ps (measured from 20% to 80% of waveform), indicating a quick response to changes.

The oscillator’s phase noise measurement ranges from -60dBc/Hz at a 10Hz offset to -146dBc/Hz at a 10MHz offset, and it also offers tri-state and complementary output options. The standby current is a low 30μA maximum (without load), and it boasts an impressive RMS phase jitter of 0.4pSec typical to 1pSec maximum.

Environmental & Mechanical Specifications

Its robust construction meets various MIL-STD and UL standards for susceptibility to environmental stress, such as temperature cycling, moisture resistance, and soldering heat resistance, ensuring reliable performance in challenging conditions. Additionally, the part is ESD susceptible and passes both fine and gross leak tests, indicating durability and quality.

Mechanical Dimensions and Pin Connections

For integration into circuit designs, the datasheet provides precise mechanical dimensions of the component and a suggested solder pad layout. The pin connections are detailed, including tri-state, case/ground, output, and complementary output designations.

Line marking information is provided for easy identification of the manufactured part, with Ecliptek’s manufacturing identifier included.

Additional Information

The datasheet advises that specifications are subject to change without notice, reinforcing the need for designers and engineers to confirm details before use. Ecliptek, based in Reno, NV, avails itself for inquiries about the product via its toll-free and direct phone numbers.


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