

The datasheet presents detailed information regarding the Mini-Circuits ZABDC20-252H series Bi-Directional Couplers. These devices are designed to operate over a broad frequency range of 800 to 2500 MHz and can handle high power levels up to 100W. The datasheet outlines the maximum ratings for operating and storage temperatures and DC current, as well as the electrical specifications relevant to the performance of the bi-directional couplers.

Maximum Ratings

The operating temperature range is from -55°C to 100°C, and the same range applies to storage temperatures. The DC current handling capability is rated at 2A. Users are cautioned that these limits should not be exceeded to avoid permanent damage.

Key Features

Highlighted features of the bi-directional couplers include:

– Excellent mainline loss with a typical value of 0.17 dB.

– High directivity, typically rated at 28 dB.

– The ability to handle high power up to 100W.

– Rugged shielded casing.

– The capacity for 2.0A of DC current to pass through from input to output at 50W RF input power.


The bi-directional couplers are suited for various applications such as PCS/DCS/UMTS power leveling and monitoring and VSWR measurement.

Model Variants

Models vary by the type of connectors used: SMA (ZABDC20-252H-S+) and N-Type (ZABDC20-252H-N+). The “+Suffix” indicates RoHS compliance.

Electrical Specifications

Main electrical specifications provided in the datasheet include:

– Frequency range: 800-2500 MHz

– Coupling: Nominal with max variance between 0.20 to 0.35 dB.

– Mainline loss: Ranges from low to just under typical value with certain flatness at defined frequency bands.

– Directivity: Minimum values provided with typical performance expected to be high.

– Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR): Typically 1.05 across all bands.

– Input power handling: Capable at a typical maximum of 100W.

Performance Data

The datasheet provides typical performance data for various frequencies, detailing mainline loss, coupling, directivity, and return loss values, which include both forward and reversed coupled ports.

Physical Characteristics

Outline dimensions are provided in both inches and millimeters, with an outline drawing included for reference. The weight is specified as 225 grams.

Electrical Schematic

An electrical schematic is displayed, illustrating the INPUT, OUTPUT, CPL-FWD (Coupled Forward), and CPL-REV (Coupled Reverse) connections.

Additional Notes

The datasheet also explains that performance and quality attributes not explicitly stated are intended to be excluded from the document. It reinforces the standard limited warranty provided by Mini-Circuits and refers to the manufacturer’s website for full details on terms and conditions.


Download: DC Pass Bi-Directional Coupler 5022 Up to 100W 800 to 2500 MHz

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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/zabdc20-252h-s/-4850991216425246411/

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