
Overview of D196 Series PIN Diode Attenuators

The D196 Series encompasses a range of nonreflective voltage-variable PIN diode attenuators that provide advanced attenuation capabilities across four strategically overlapping frequency bands within the 0.5 GHz to 18 GHz range. Accommodating a wide variety of applications, each model incorporates an integrated driver designed for precise attenuation adjustment at a rate of 10 dB per volt.

Key Specifications

Highlighting their performance characteristics, these units guarantee an extensive attenuation span reaching 60 dB while upholding a minimal insertion loss. Variability in insertion loss is contingent on the specific model and frequency range, with a max of 3.0 dB documented in some instances.

The devices offer exceptional linearity and maintain an impressive Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR) of a maximum of 1.8. Additionally, each unit in the series is marked by the ability to retain a bilateral match, thus enhancing their operational efficiency.

Functionality and Technical Attributes

The series models employ a cohesive RF circuit consisting of tandem-connected, wide-band T-pad attenuator sections complemented by a driver circuit. The latter includes a voltage-to-current converter and a linearizing network, crucial for administering requisite series and shunt currents for the preferred attenuation control.

Focusing on technical merits, the devices showcase a mean attenuation range of 60 dB with differentiated flatness for attenuation levels up to 20, 40, and 60 dB. The accuracy of attenuation spans multiple stages with a maximum variability of ±2.0 dB for attenuation levels from 40 to 60 dB.

Operational flexibility is further enhanced by a nominal control voltage range of 0 to +6V, while the units are safeguarded against overvoltage up to +15V. They also feature guaranteed monotonicity with minimal phase shift – an indispensable attribute for maintaining signal integrity.

Standing out in regard to temperature resilience, the specifications reveal an operating temperature coefficient of ±0.02 dB/°C. Users can expect a modulation bandwidth of 20 kHz for small signals and 5 kHz for large signals, which is supplemented by low power supply rejection indicating minimal fluctuations due to varying supply voltages.

Power and Switching Performance

With respect to power handling, the devices are engineered to operate without performance degradation at up to 50 mW CW or peak. They exhibit robust survival power at 2 W average or peak, signifying durability over a broad temperature range. The series assures prompt switching characteristics with an ON time of 1.0 µsec max and an OFF time of 0.5 µsec max.

Power Derating and Environmental Tolerance

Last but not least, the datasheet introduces power derating factors outlining the attenuators’ performances across divergent thermal conditions, confirming their high-performance standards even in elevated temperatures.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/d1968b33/3201720335739461466/

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