
Data Sheet Overview

The Current Regulative Diode CRD CRD is a diode that supplies constant current to an electric circuit, even when power supply voltage fluctuations or load impedance fluctuations occur.

Product Specifications

The CRD CRD is available in two series: S Series and E Series. Each series has multiple part numbers with varying specifications, including pinchoff current, limiting current, and temperature coefficient.

Part Numbers and Specifications

Part numbers include S-101T, E-101, E-301, and S-822, among others. Each part number has specific specifications, such as pinch-off current, limiting current, and temperature coefficient.

Taping and Packaging

The CRD CRD is available in three taping types: S series, Taping role, and Radial taping winding type. Packaging options include individually packed in a bag and bulk packaging.

Power Derating and Compensation

The CRD CRD can be used in parallel to increase its current handling capabilities. Compensation resistors can be added to correct current decreases due to self-heating. The datasheet provides typical values for these resistors.

Dynamic Characteristics

The datasheet includes detailed specifications for the CRD CRD’s dynamic characteristics, including saturation characteristics and voltage ratings.


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