
The datasheet provides technical information about the C-Grid III Single Row Straight Pin Header. Characterized by precise dimensions and part numbers, this product by Molex Electronic Technologies, LLC is intended for general market applications.

Product Designation and Configurations

The datasheet details various sizes and configurations represented by circuit sizes ranging from 1X1 to 1X40. Each size is demarcated with different circuit sizes and dimensions “A” and “B” (e.g., “A” for 1X1 is 2.54mm and for 1X40 is 99.06mm), providing width and spacing information pertinent to the user’s applications.

Material and Plating Options

The headers are made using 15% glass-filled polyester that meets UL 94V-0 standards, and are colored black. Brass wire is used for pins, indicating durability and reliability. Plating options vary, with descriptions specifying tin/nickel and gold/nickel combinations for different levels of performance: from a minimum of 3.00um tin over 1.27um nickel, up to various options of gold plating with a minimum thickness of 0.05um and as high as 0.76um in selected areas.

Recommended PCB Hole Pattern and Thickness

The datasheet recommends a specific PCB hole pattern for mounting and lists 1.60mm as the advised PCB thickness for optimal performance. These guidelines are essential for ensuring that the header is properly and securely installed.

Part Numbers and Plating Types

Part numbers for different plating types (A, E, F, and G) are provided, delineating the wide range of part numbers from 90120-0121 to 90120-1120. These indices can guide users in identifying the exact pin header variant required for their specific application.

Proprietary Information Notice

A note is included that the drawing contains proprietary information of Molex Electronic Technologies, LLC, and it should not be used without written permission. Therefore, this datasheet is not just informational but also carries legal weight regarding the use of the product specifications and designs it presents.

Revision and Document Control

The first two pages of the datasheet indicate the document number, revision status, and release date. The datasheet document (SD-90120-001), with the format revision E801/18, was last released on 2019/06/10.

Additional Information

The datasheet points to Sheet 2 for additional plating details, signaling that more technical specifications are provided beyond the initial two pages. Users are directed to refer to subsequent pages for comprehensive understanding and guidelines for the product.


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Pricing & Distributors: https://www.datasheets360.com/part/detail/90120-0935/-6039107500662887294/

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