
The datasheet focuses on a BNC Adaptor for Panel Mounting HDTV with a 75 Ohm impedance (f-f), offered by Telegartner Karl Gartner GmbH. The product carries the order number J01005AOOO7 and features a hexagonal interface with a maximum diameter of 21.6mm and a width across flats (A/F) of 16mm for installation. The adaptor is designed to operate up to 3 GHz, with a minimum return loss of 30dB, intended for high-definition video (HDTV) applications.

Telegartner’s BNC connector series, which includes this adapter, is renowned for its bayonet coupling mechanism that allows for quick and secure connections. BNC connectors are versatile and can be used with different types of cables such as flexible, conformable, and semi-rigid. Additionally, this datasheet states that the connectors are suitable for a variety of applications involving signal, data, and video transmissions.

Assembly of the connectors can be performed using both crimp and clamp cable termination techniques. For PCB mounting, through-hole soldered and press-fit methods are applicable. The mechanical characteristics of the BNC connector ensure compatibility with the demands of high-quality video signals.

Moreover, the product guarantees a certain level of environmental sealing, conforming to IP 54 standards when the plug and jack are appropriately mated. This suggests the adaptor provides a certain degree of protection against dust and splashes of water, further emphasizing its suitability for a wide array of operational environments.

Critical technical specifications to note include the characteristic impedance of 75 Ω and dimensions that accommodate cable groupings, which influence compatibility with various cable types and sizes. While general specifications are presented, potential buyers are encouraged to consult Telegartner’s engineers for specific details or to address any deviations that may exist in individual connectors from the values indicated in the datasheet.

The datasheet includes Telegartner’s statement on reserved technical changes and provides contact information, including the company’s address, telephone and fax numbers, and an email for further inquiries. The document also directs interested parties to Telegartner’s website for more information or updates regarding the BNC Adaptor for Panel Mounting HDTV 75 Ohm f-f.


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