

The datasheet provides detailed information regarding the Amphenol RF SMA Right Angle Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Mount Jack, highlighting materials, finishes, electrical, mechanical specifications, and dimensional details for the product.

Materials and Finishes

The body of the mount jack is made of brass with gold plating to ensure quality electrical connection and resistance to corrosion. The contact pin is constructed from beryllium copper, also with gold plating for enhanced durability and conductivity. The insulator portion is made of natural PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), known for its high melting point and non-reactivity.

Electrical Specifications

The product is designed to handle an electrical impedance of 50 Ohms. It can also withstand a dielectric voltage of 1000 VRMS (Volts Root Mean Square) minimum, ensuring its capability to operate safely at high voltage levels without breakdown.

Mechanical Properties

In terms of mechanical robustness, the mount jack is rated for a minimum of 500 cycles, indicating its capacity to be connected and disconnected multiple times without functional loss. The temperature range at which it can operate is from -65°C to +165°C, accommodating a wide variety of environmental conditions.

Dimensions and Design

Detailed dimensional specifications are provided with metric tolerances, ensuring precise manufacturing standards. These include key measurements essential for PCB mounting, such as holes positions and overall product size.

Technical Documentation

Critical information pertaining to revisions, approvals, and confidential data is disclosed. Notable revision dates and authorization personnel are listed, highlighting the diligence in maintaining product specifications up to date and accurate. The document is drawn by C.Wang, engineered by T.Zhou, and approved by S.Hsieh, verifying the credibility of the data provided.

Confidentiality Notice

A statement emphasizes the confidentiality of the drawing and other associated documents, strictly limiting their usage to authorized parties as required.

Product References

The datasheet also denotes the specific product part number “SMA6252A2-3Gt50g-50” which is essential for customers when ordering or referring to the product for potential applications.


The datasheet carries a disclaimer notice asserting the intellectual property rights of Amphenol, prohibiting unauthorized use of the provided information.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Elements

The datasheet summary integrates key Search Engine Optimization (SEO) elements such as mentioning the full product name “Amphenol RF SMA Right Angle PCB Mount Jack” and specific details like materials, impedance, and temperature range. Such elements can help in enhancing the visibility of this datasheet in search engine results.


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