

This datasheet provides detailed specifications for the Amphenol RF SMA (SubMiniature version A) female Printed Circuit Board (PCB) receptacle. Amphenol is a well-established manufacturer known for its electronic and fiber optic connectors, cable and interconnect systems. The product covered by this datasheet, part number 901-144-2, is designed with high-grade materials such as stainless steel with gold plating for the body, beryllium copper with gold plating for the contact, and PTFE for the insulator. Its impedance is rated at 50 Ohm, with the dielectric withstanding voltage listed as a maximum of 1500 VRMS.

Mechanical and Electrical Characteristics

For mechanical durability, the SMA female receptacle is rated for a minimum of 500 cycles. It can operate within a temperature range of -65°C to +165°C. When considering the mechanical makeup, the product is marked to indicate compliance with the lead-free solder standards, with solder posts and contacts being dipped to within 0.025 inches of the body.

Packaging and Marking

The products are delivered in a single pack with each bag marked with the Amphenol RF brand, part number 901-144, and date code. This attention to detail ensures traceability and quality control.

Mounting and Dimensions

The datasheet provides recommended mounting hole dimensions, which are important for engineers and professionals involved in the design and mounting of these connectors on PCBs. The drawings and specifications include a customer outline drawing and reference to Amphenol’s own specification 349 50623.

Revision History

Several revisions to the product have been logged, indicating a history of product development and updates. The datasheet contains a reference to an ECO (Engineering Change Order), which suggests that additional information regarding changes can be found in that documentation. Specific revision dates and their associated details, such as drawing releases and official engineering releases to manufacturing, are listed chronologically from as early as July 9, 1990, to April 2, 2011.

Engineering and Approval

The datasheet was drawn by engineer R.O.S.F. (presumably initials) and approved by another engineer named Daniel on April 2, 2011. These facts reinforce the rigorous engineering standards and approval processes that back the product’s design and production.

Intellectual Property Notice

A legal notice is included, emphasizing that the drawings, specifications, and other data contained within the datasheet are the property of Amphenol and are considered confidential. It highlights that disclosure, reproduction, or use of the information in a manner not explicitly authorized by Amphenol is prohibited.

Contact Information

For more information or to address inquiries, one can refer to the EAC reference number 961820 357-7574-040 REV GEN#ASSYF SMA FINISH provided in the datasheet.


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