
The provided content appears to be a technical datasheet for a hybrid connector identified by part numbers likely associated with AMP, which is now a part of TE Connectivity, a global manufacturer of connectors and sensors. The datasheet includes specific information about product dimensions, mounting instructions, and circuit identification relevant to the “AMP Nos CAP HOUSING 945373 HYBRID, 4/6 CONN 0Sa= SERIES 040/22 2122”. It seems to outline physical characteristics, such as mounting dimensions for printed circuit board (P.C BORD) integration, acceptable tolerances, and other structural details.

The content specifies mounting screws, recommending a 3mm diameter and 6mm length with a pan-head tapping screw as described in JIS standards B1115,81122. Users are cautioned to adhere to a maximum tightening torque of 4N (4Kg-cm) when installing the screws. The document also references a product specification number 108-5280.

Circuit numbers for power and signal connections are highlighted, alongside color-coded prefices and marking details for ease of identification in various applications. Color references such as white, gray, and yellow are mentioned, indicating potential variations or options available in the product line. Markings inside the contact pin are also noted but without further detail provided in the extracted content.

The datasheet includes a note on the environmental specifications, namely a temperature range denoted as “-65t,” which could suggest a temperature rating. Revisions and a record of changes, including drawing numbers and dates, point to the document’s maintenance and update regime with clear tracking of modifications, although the specifics of these revisions are not provided in the initial pages.

Unfortunately, due to the fragmented nature of the text provided, the document appears to be a technical schematic or drawing, rather than a standard datasheet with continuous prose descriptions. The extracted content may represent a partial or indirectly scanned document, with references to sections (e.g., A-A, B-B), indicating additional details such as cross-sectional views typically found in mechanical drawings. This complexity and potential scanning issues may result in a less clear understanding of the full capabilities and specifications of the highlighted product.


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