
The datasheet provides technical information about the AMP brand DIP socket product, part number 836-AG11D-ESL, also referenced as Tyco Electronics part number 1-1437540-1. This product is active and readily available in the market. The datasheet emphasizes that the 836-AG11D-ESL is not ELV or RoHS compliant, suggesting it contains materials restricted in certain regions or applications. However, it indicates that a lead-free solder process alternative that can withstand temperatures up to 245°C is available.

Key Features and Specifications

The DIP socket is a component of the 800 Series characterized by a vertical mount style and standard profile with a ladder frame and straight legs. It accommodates 36 positions with a row-to-row spacing of 15.24 mm (0.600 in) and a centerline of 2.54 mm (0.100 in). Notable electrical properties include an insulation resistance of 5,000 MQ and a contact resistance of 10 mΩ.

Materials and Plating

For its construction, the contacts are made of beryllium copper with a mating area plated in gold (5). The detailed contact termination area plating is comprised of tin-lead. The sleeve material used in manufacturing is brass.

Physical and Mechanical Properties

The DIP socket height above the printed circuit board (PCB) is 2.67 mm (0.105 in). Contacts are stamped and formed with a four-fingered design. The termination post length is specified as 3.18 mm (0.125 in).

Packaging and Temperature Range

These sockets are packaged in tubes for delivery. They are designed to withstand operating temperatures ranging from 0°C to a maximum of 125°C.

Additional Resources

Concerning additional resources, the datasheet provides access to CAD models and the eCommerce platform. However, it’s important to note that the document link cannot be displayed due to inline frame browser restrictions. Photos and line drawings are included for visual reference but described as representative images only.

Contact Information

The datasheet includes general sales information, pricing, product availability, and contact data for assembly subcontractors. It does not list specific prices or real-time stock figures.

The datasheet concludes by referencing Tyco International Ltd for copyright and privacy matters but does not provide company-specific information within the first two pages.


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