
The Tesla Semi is a battery-electric tractor-trailer that offers industry-leading aerodynamic performance, minimizing vehicle energy consumption during freight operations.

It operates at a range of 300 or 500 miles, depending on the model and size of the battery, with zero carbon emissions.

Key Features

The Tesla Semi features automation to reduce driver workload, improve safety, and lay the foundation for future autonomous freight operations.

It has a drag coefficient of 0.36, adjustable flaps to streamline the interface between the tractor and trailer, and four independent electric motors.

It also features regenerative braking, coordinated controls to improve stability, and a gross vehicle weight of 80,000 pounds.


The Tesla Semi has a range of 300-500 miles at maximum gross vehicle weight, with an estimated operating cost of $1.26 per mile, about 20% less than a typical diesel truck.

It can accelerate from 0-60 mph in 20 seconds and climb hills at 65 mph up a 5% grade.


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