The manual provides technical specifications for the Alfa Giulietta, including overall dimensions, weights, performances, capacities, tires, electrical equipment, and more. The main base of information comes from the factory Giulietta’s workshop manual, with additional data from other workshop manuals and related articles. The reader is encouraged to use the provided data to make informed decisions about tuning and maintenance of their Alfa Giulietta.
Main Data
The manual includes main data, such as number of cylinders, bore and stroke, maximum rated horsepower, track, wheel base, and fuel consumption per 100 km. This information is provided for various models of the Alfa Giulietta, including Spider Veloce, Sprint Veloce, Spider, Sprint, Berlina, and ti.
Notes to Specifications
The manual includes notes to specifications, which clarify that all data refers to all models unless noted, and that data refers to the 750 Series except where noted for the 101 Series.
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