This technical bulletin addresses an issue with noisy or inoperative wiper motors in 2011-2014 Jetta and Passat models. The solution involves installing a Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR) cap on the new wiper motor to lower the risk of water ingress.
Install the NBR cap on the new wiper motor according to the specified procedures, including applying steering grease and ensuring proper assembly.
For Passat models, the replacement wiper motor is only available assembled with the frame (wiper transmission), and the wiper motor should be removed from the new part to install the NBR cap.
To determine if this procedure is covered under warranty, refer to the Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual.
Download: Technical Bulletin: 92 14 01 – Wiper Motor Noisy or Inoperative for 2011-2014 Jetta and Passat
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