
This report outlines SUBARU’s vision, value statement, and corporate statement, focusing on delivering happiness to all and providing value in the form of “Enjoyment and Peace of Mind.”

Business Overview

SUBARU is a global company with a market share of approximately 4% in the automotive industry. It aims to achieve sustainable growth through “Monozukuri Innovation” and “Value Creation.”

Value Creation Story

The company’s value creation story highlights its policies, initiatives, and progress in specific areas, including its digital transformation strategy and efforts to achieve zero fatal traffic accidents by 2030.

Corporate Data

SUBARU’s corporate data includes its business segments, production sites, sales network, and financial performance.

Message from the CEO

The CEO, Atsushi Osaki, outlines his mission to lead the company’s transformation in the era of electrification, focusing on “Monozukuri Innovation” and “Value Creation” to secure high profit margins and compete with other manufacturers.


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