
The Sarsys Volvo Friction Tester (SVFT Vgo) is built into the Volvo V9o, a high-performance front-wheel drive car. It is designed for friction measuring on airport runways and taxiways, and also for measuring on roads.

Key Features

The SVFT has several key features that make it an advanced friction measuring system. These include:

  • Programmed to measure in accordance with regulations issued by authorities such as ICAO and FAA
  • Designed for both operational and maintenance measuring
  • Programmed for speed and smoothness in operation
  • Can measure on wet runways with a water system
  • Measuring wheel can be fitted with a standardized measuring tyre

Main Product Features

The main product features of the SVFT Vgo include:

  • Measuring programme in accordance with ICAO and FAA
  • Approved by FAA
  • Modern technology and operational efficiency
  • Excellent ergonomics, fingertip control
  • Outstanding mancuvrability
  • Total operator comfort
  • Easy service and maintenance
  • Windows-based measuring computer


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