General Description

The manual covers the overhaul of the brake systems of Rolls-Royce 20 HP, 20/25, 25/30, Wraith, and Bentley 32 & 44 chassis.

Brake System Overview

The brake systems on these models feature independent hand and foot brake systems, with the foot brake system using a servo motor for actuation.

The servo motor is driven by the gearbox and operates the front and rear brakes through a system of rods, levers, and equalisers.

Servo Motor Principles

The servo motor is based on a Ferodo-lined dry-plate clutch, which is constantly driven and revolves at a speed proportional to the road speed of the car.

When the brakes are applied, the servo motor exerts a rotational force on the driven element, which pulls on the front and rear brakes through the operating levers and balance lever.


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