Maintenance Checklist

The maintenance checklist includes:

  • Major maintenance every 30,000, 60,000, 90,000, 120,000 miles (48,000, 96,000, 144,000, 192,000 km)
  • Additional maintenance every 60,000 miles (96,000 km)
  • Every 2 years: Change Tal Pedals
  • Every 4 years: Replace tire-sealant
  • After 4, 8, 10, then every 2 years: Inspect airbag system

Important Notes

The recommended service intervals and scope of work apply under normal driving conditions and do not take into account optional equipment.

Dusty areas require more frequent checking and possible replacement of the air filter elements.

Tire, Clutch, and brake wear, as well as the condition of the engine oil, are all largely dependent on driving habits and operating conditions.

Proper care and maintenance will preserve the value of your Porsche and safeguard its functional capability.


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