Welcome to Your Porsche Panamera

This manual contains important information about your vehicle’s operation, safety features, and maintenance. Please take the time to read this manual before driving your new Porsche.

Important Safety Information

Always drive within your own unique capabilities and experience level. Never consume alcohol or drugs before or during vehicle operation. Regularly check your vehicle for signs of damage and ensure that anyone else driving your Porsche does the same.

Vehicle Modifications

Do not alter your Porsche without approval from Porsche. Any alteration could create dangerous conditions or defeat safety engineering features built into your car.

Operating Vehicle Components

Operate components such as the on-board computer, radio, navigation system, telephone, or other equipment only when it is safe to do so. Avoid distractions while driving.

Engine Exhaust

Engine exhaust is dangerous if inhaled. Never start or let the engine run in an enclosed, unventilated area. Carbon monoxide can cause unconsciousness and even death if inhaled.


Download: Panamera Owner’s Manual WKD 970 121 10 06/09

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