The installation manual is for a new front air strut for the 2016-2018 Tesla Model S wIAWD. It is essential to follow the instructions carefully to ensure proper installation and avoid any damage to the vehicle or the air suspension system.

Important Safety Precautions

Before starting the installation, make sure to relieve the pressure in the air suspension system and disconnect the power. Wear standard hand, ear, and eye protection when servicing the air suspension system.

General Information

This manual signifies your agreement to the terms of the general release, waiver of liability, and hold harmless agreement. The full text of the agreement is available on the Arnott website.

Air Strut Removal

The air strut removal process involves releasing and lifting the front trunk lid, removing interior panels, and disconnecting applicable air lines. It is crucial to inspect the air line before insertion and replace it if damaged.


Download: NEW FRONT AIR STRUT 2016-2018 TESLA MODEL $ wIAWD Installation Manual

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