Rear Brake Proportioning Valve Rebuild

This manual provides a guide to rebuilding the rear brake proportioning valve on a Lotus vehicle.

Important Notes

The braking system is critical to safety, and professional help should be sought if in doubt.

The rear brake-proportioning valve is currently not available (NLA) but Lotus is trying to source a new supplier.


The valve prevents rear wheels from locking under heavy braking by using a small piston with two chambers.

The valve can leak brake fluid due to O-ring failure, causing braking problems and MOT failure in the UK.


The valve can be dismantled and repaired by replacing the O-rings, which normally fail due to wear and tear or old age.

After reassembly, bleed the brakes and check for leaks.

Successful repair can improve the ‘feel’ of the brake pedal and eliminate clicking noises.


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