Product Recommendations

This manual provides product recommendations for various components of the Land Rover Freelander 2 3.2 16 (2006-2012).


Capacity: 9-9.3 liters (Dry fill), 7.5-7.7 liters (Service fill). Recommended product: Presteza MSP FE OW-30.

Differential Rear

Capacity: 0.7 liters. Recommended product: Gearlube GL-5 80W-90.

Transaxle Automatic

Capacity: 1 liter (Dry fill). Recommended product: SP Matic 4036.

Transaxle Manual

Capacity: 1.9 liters. Recommended product: SP Gear 1081.


Capacity: 0.75 liters. Recommended product: SP Gear 1011 or 2 Syngear TDL 75W-90.


Capacity: 0.65 liters. Recommended product: SP Fluid 6033.

Hydraulic Brake/Clutch System

Capacity: 0-0 liters (Between min and max). Recommended product: Drauliquid-LV Super DOT 4.

Power Steering

Recommended product: SP Fluid 3013.

Cooling System

Recommended product: Coolant SP 15+ or 3 Coolant -38 Organic NF or 2 Coolant SP 12.

Airconditioning Compressor/System

No standard recommendation available. Please contact the service department.


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