General Notes

Read and take note of WARNING, Caution, and Note descriptions before carrying out maintenance or repair work.

WARNING: Text with this symbol contains information concerning your safety and indicates potential accident and injury risks.

Caution: Text with this symbol indicates the risk of damage to your vehicle.

Note: Text with this symbol contains additional information.

Safety Precautions

Towing mode places increased demands on the cooling system. The cooling system must be adapted to the vehicle operating conditions.

Special tools are required for assembly. Improper installation can cause damage to the vehicle or the add-on parts.

AUDI AG shall not accept responsibility in the event of failure to comply with these installation instructions.


Download: Installation instructions AUDI Q7 2015 AUDI Q7 e-tron 2016 AUDI Q7 (PU) 2020 Towing bracket with electrics set (AUSI NZL)

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