Accident Summary

On March 23, 2018, a 2017 Tesla Model X electric-powered sport utility vehicle (SUV) was involved in a collision with a crash attenuator on US Highway 101 in Mountain View, California.

The vehicle was operating with partial driving automation and was traveling at a speed of about 71 mph when it struck the crash attenuator.

Safety Issues Identified

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) identified several safety issues, including:

Driver distraction, Risk mitigation pertaining to monitoring driver engagement, Risk assessment pertaining to operational design domain, Limitations of collision avoidance systems, and Insufficient federal oversight of partial driving automation systems.

The NTSB made safety recommendations to various organizations, including the US Department of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and Tesla.


Download: Highway Accident Report: Collision Between a Sport Utility Vehicle Operating With Partial Driving Automation and a Crash Attenuator, Mountain View, California, March 23, 2018

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