This document provides instructions for the Ford Performance ProCal 4 tool, which is used to install performance calibrations to vehicles.
Before Installation
Before installing the ProCal 4 software, the end user must register with Ford Performance Parts (FPP) to download the software. The software is compatible only with Windows 7 and newer.
The ProCal 4 tool is shipped without vehicle calibrations, and the end user must download and install the ProCal 4 software to access the calibrations.
Preparing the ProCal 4 Tool
After installing the software, connect the ProCal 4 tool to a PC via a supplied USB cable and follow the on-screen prompts to complete any updates.
Before connecting the ProCal 4 tool to a vehicle, turn off all accessories, unplug all electronic devices, and ensure the vehicle battery is sufficiently charged.
Download: Ford Performance ProCal 4 Instructions
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