Welcome to the Fiat 124 and Fiat 131 Ignition Installation Manual for 423ignition Type.

Important Notice: Before beginning installation, please read the entire instructions carefully. If you are unsure about any part of the process, please consult a professional mechanic or the owner’s manual.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Find the Static Timing Point

Locate the number one cylinder and remove the distributor cap. Turn the engine in its normal direction until the rotor almost points to the number one cylinder position.

Step 2: Replace the Old Distributor with the New One

Remove the hexagonal plug in the bottom face of the housing and locate the 16-position rotary switch. Select the advance curve of your choice and re-insert the plug.

Step 3: Static Timing the 123ignition

Connect the red wire to the BAT-terminal of the coil. Turn the ignition on and slowly turn the housing of the 123ignition in a counter-clockwise direction until the green LED just lights up.

Step 4: Finish the Wiring

Connect the black wire to the RUP-terminal of the coil. Connect the spark plug leads and high voltage wire to the cap, in the proper sequence.

Testing and Troubleshooting:

After installation, test your ignition system to ensure it is functioning properly. Check the timing marks on the distributor cap and adjust as necessary to achieve the correct timing. Use a stroboscope to fine-tune the timing for ultimate performance.


  • Do not disconnect any electric wires when the engine is running.
  • Use good quality spark plug leads and a good coil.
  • Replace the cap and rotor every 30,000 km.


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