This manual is a guide for Ferrari restorers, concours judges, and car owners, providing information on how 330 GT cars were originally built.
Ferrari Data Resources
Various reference documents for Ferrari automobiles include historical photos, build sheets, letters, and service records.
The 330 GT Manual
The manual is a work in progress, collecting and organizing historical and anecdotal documentation on the 330 GT cars. It represents the collective knowledge of the editor and other Ferrari experts.
All 330 GTs were not built with the same parts and assemblies over the production period. The manual is a guideline that documents the differences as understood at the time of publication.
Judging Notes and the Use of the As-Built Manual
Concours judging notes are based on the originality of the car as it left the factory and the condition of the car. The manual describes the primary items believed to be original to the manufactured As-Built configuration of the 330 GT.
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