Volkswagen’s Extended Warranty Program

Volvo Cars USA, LLC has launched an Extended Warranty Program, P10207, for vehicles equipped with VEP4 engines, exhibiting excessive engine oil consumption. The program provides out-of-pocket repair reimbursement for the cost of replacement parts and labor related to excessive engine oil consumption.

Coverage and Eligibility

The Extended Warranty Program is limited to 8 years from the date of delivery or 100,000 miles, whichever occurs first, covering parts replacement and labor to address excessive engine oil consumption. Eligibility for parts replacement under this Extended Warranty is dependent on the results of the retailer-performed engine oil consumption test.

Oil Consumption Testing and Documentation

Retailers will need to perform an engine oil consumption test to determine eligibility for part replacement. The test will be performed at no cost to the customer, and all warranty claims will require a signed Oil Consumption Test form attached to the claim when submitting for PI0186.

Parts Replacement

If the Engine Oil Consumption test determines excessive oil consumption, the engine needs to be inspected for internal damage. Only the piston/rings VEP4) or complete engine assembly are to be replaced under the terms of this Extended Warranty Program.

Claim Submission

Extended Warranty P10207 claims should be submitted using the LONG FORM application only. The claim should include the Cause Code, CSC Code, Main OP, and Failed Part. The claim should also include a description of the repair work performed and the labor time required.

Customer Questions and Answers

The program provides answers to frequently asked questions, including the condition that is being addressed, the Extended Warranty coverage, what Volvo will do, what is involved in the oil consumption test, and which vehicles are covered by this Extended Warranty Program.


Download: Extended Warranty P10207: VEP4 Oil Consumption Test; Model Year 2015- 2016 S80, S60, XC7O, V6O, and XC6O; 2016 S6OL and XC9O

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