
This report evaluates the reliability of Tesla Model 3 driver assist functions, focusing on the interface between human drivers and advanced driver-assist systems (ADAS).


The number of vehicles with ADAS that can perform automated steering and acceleration is increasing, with the expectation that these capabilities will be available in low-cost models as well as luxury cars.

These systems require human drivers to be alert and available at all times in case they need to take over.


The report assesses between- and within-ADAS-equipped vehicle variation in four scenarios involving the interface between a human driver and an ADAS system.

These scenarios include assessing driver-monitoring system performance during automated highway driving, alerting a distracted driver of unexpected road patterns during automated driving, assisting a distracted driver in response to an inadvertent lane departure, and initiating driver handover to a distracted driver when the vehicle can no longer confidently operate.


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