
This service parts list is designed for use by Lotus Dealers and covers the Elise range from 2001 model year onwards.

The manual is arranged in function groups and may use several versions of the same function group to accommodate model variations.

Vehicle Identification Number (V.I.N.)

The V.I.N. is stamped on the chassis and is also printed on a label stuck to the inside of the chassis sideframe.

The engine number is marked on a vertical patch at the left-hand end of the forward face of the cylinder block.

Model History

The Elise model was introduced in November 2000 with several changes from the previous model, including restyled body and interior, revised soft top, and revised engine spec.

Subsequent models include the Elise Sport 190, Elise Type 72, Elise 111 & 111S, and Elise Type 25, each with their own unique features and changes.


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