Brake Adjustment Importance

The adjustment of brakes is crucial to obtain the best results, as the linings wear with use, and the amount of lever movement and pedal travel before the brakes are applied increases, causing inefficiency, thump, or pulling to one side.

Adjustment Methods

The adjustment methods vary with individual models, including simple wing nut adjustment on later models or serrated adjustment on earlier cars.

For models with serrated adjustment, the lever travel should be checked, and the correct amount of free travel is specified in the table.

The adjustment process involves disengaging the serrated parts, turning the hexagon to apply the brakes, and ensuring equal travel for each front brake.

Particular care must be taken to ensure each front brake is adjusted until there is an equal amount of travel.


Download: Brakes Rolls Service Instruction Leaflet BR Issued by Rolls-Royce Limited RR/J2 (1946)

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