
The service bulletin addresses a judder from the torque converter lock-up clutch in 2013-17 RDX models. The judder is caused by deteriorated transmission fluid, which can occur under specific driving conditions.

A software update is available to maintain the transmission fluid temperature within the desirable range and eliminate the potential for this judder. The update should be applied first, followed by a transmission flush as indicated in the repair procedure.

Two bulletins (17-017 and 17-018) are related to this subject, and technicians should follow the instructions carefully to ensure correct diagnosis and repair.

Important notes and warnings are provided for technicians, including the use of specific tools and equipment, voltage requirements, and precautions to avoid damage to the vehicle’s electrical systems.


Download: Acura Service Bulletin 17-017: 2013-17 RDX: Judder from the Torque Converter Lock-Up Clutch

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