Owner/Driver Information
This manual provides details about the new vehicle limited warranty for 2022 BMW models, including the X3M, X4M, XSM, and X6M series.
The warranty provides coverage for various aspects, including safety belts, rust perforation, federal emissions system defects, and more.
Additionally, the manual outlines the BMW Ultimate Care Scheduled Maintenance Program, tire warranty, and 12-volt battery care.
It also provides information on customer assistance, roadside assistance, and special programs.
Warranty Coverage
The new vehicle warranty covers repairs or replacements for parts and labor for 4 years or 50,000 miles.
The rust perforation warranty covers repairs for 12 years or unlimited miles.
Federal emission warranty covers emission-related parts for 2 years or 24,000 miles.
California emission control warranty covers emission-related parts for 3 years or 50,000 miles.
Download: 2022 BMW X3M,X4M,XSM,X6M Series New Vehicle Limited Warranty
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