Bluetooth HandsFreeLink (HFL)
HFL allows you to place and receive phone calls using your vehicle’s audio system without handling your cell phone. To use HFL, you need a Bluetooth-compatible cell phone.
Features of HFL include:
- Voice control tips: aim vents away from ceiling, close windows, and speak clearly.
- HFL buttons: VOL (volume), APPS, Microphone, (Back) button, and (Talk) button.
- HFL menus: Phone screen, Recents, Dialed, Missed, Received, Contacts, and Menu.
- HFL limitations: incoming call interrupts audio system, and certain manual functions are disabled while in motion.
HFL Status Display
The audio information screen notifies you when there is an incoming call, displaying caller’s name and number, HFL mode, Bluetooth connection status, battery level status, and signal strength.
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