Safety Recall Report

This report pertains to a safety recall of certain Mercedes-Benz vehicles due to a documentation error in the production control system.

Affected Vehicles

The recall affects 2019-2021 Mercedes-Benz A-Class, CLA, GLA, and GLB vehicles, with a total of 42,742 potentially involved.


The vehicles may not be equipped with a brake inspection gauge and respective owner’s manual information, which does not conform to the standards set forth in FMVSS 135 S5.1.2.

Description of the Safety Risk

If the brake pads on the rear axle are not inspected and replaced, it may increase the risk of a crash.


An authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer will add the inspection gauge and provide supplemental owner’s manual information for using this inspection gauge on the affected vehicles.


Download: 2020-2021 Mercedes-Benz A-Class, CLA, GLA, and GLB Safety Recall Report

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