Diagnosing AWD Driveline Concerns
Some customers may comment on one or more of the following conditions during driving:
Misfire Sensation – No DTC’s, Rumble/Stuttering Feeling & Noise, Shudder on acceleration under load
AWD equipped vehicles can be more complex when diagnosing Driveline concerns.
Correction Steps:
1. Test drive the vehicle attempting to duplicate customer complaint.
2. After replicating the customers complaint, verify drive mode operations: Touring-Sport-Snow/ICE and is concern changed or eliminated in any one mode?
3. De-activate the TCCM Clutch using GDS/TechLine Connect.
4. If condition persists with TCCM deactivated, continue Strategy Based Diagnosis outside of TCCM.
5. If the condition DOES NOT exist with TCCM deactivated, inspect the tires and their locations.
Note: Refer to the Owner’s Manual sections for tire rotation and replacement recommendations.
Other correction steps involve T-Case Fluid flush, tire rotation, and replacement of Transfer Case if necessary.
Download: 2016-2020 Cadillac CT6 Preliminary Information PIP5848 Diagnostic Tip
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