Maintenance Schedule

The maintenance schedule outlines the recommended maintenance tasks for the 2015 Volkswagen Beetle with a 1.8T engine.

Time-Dependent Items

Every 1 year, regardless of mileage: Perform visual check of airbag system.

Every 2 years, regardless of mileage: Replace dust and pollen filter, and check tire filler bottle in the tire mobility kit.

Every 3 years, then every 2 years regardless of miles driven: Replace brake fluid and clutch unit.

Every 4 years, regardless of mileage: Replace tire filler bottle in the tire mobility set.

Every 6 years, regardless of mileage: Replace spark plugs, air filter element, and snow filter.

Additional Tasks

Check and maintain various vehicle systems, including brakes, engine, transmission, and suspension.

Inspect and replace components as needed, such as spark plugs, air filters, and brake pads.

Perform visual inspections and tests to ensure proper vehicle function.


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