Welcome to the 2015 Nissan Pathfinder Owner’s Manual, your comprehensive guide to understanding the operation and maintenance of your vehicle. This manual is filled with valuable information that will enable you to fully enjoy your Pathfinder and drive it safely for many miles.

Introduction to Your Nissan Pathfinder

As a new member of the NISSAN family, rest assured that your vehicle reflects the latest in engineering techniques and high standards of quality control. The Pathfinder is a product of diligent workmanship, designed to offer reliability and satisfaction.

Safety and Operation

Before you start the engine and set off, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the vehicle’s controls and maintenance requirements. The manual includes a host of safety information and driving rules to ensure your trips are safe. These include never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, obeying speed limits, avoiding distractions while driving, and always using seat belts and child restraints appropriately.

Manual Contents

The Owner’s Manual is your source for everything you need to know about your Pathfinder. Alongside the manual, you’ll find a separate Warranty Information Booklet detailing the warranties for your vehicle, as well as a “NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide” which discusses how to maintain and service your vehicle. For U.S. customers, a Customer Care/Lemon Law Booklet is included to address any concerns and clarify your rights under the lemon law.

Accessories and Customization

Your Pathfinder might come with additional factory-installed options or dealer-installed accessories. It is advisable to go through all warnings, cautions, and instructions about these accessories to ensure proper usage.

Finally, for any service, questions, or assistance regarding your Nissan Pathfinder, it is recommended that you visit a NISSAN dealership. Their in-depth resources and knowledge about your specific vehicle make them the ideal support for any of your needs.



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