Warranty Coverage

This manual outlines the warranty coverage for the 2007 Chrysler vehicle, including the Basic Limited Warranty, Special Extended Warranty Coverage, and Emission Warranties.

What’s Covered

The Basic Limited Warranty covers the cost of all parts and labor needed to repair any item on the vehicle that is defective in material, workmanship, or factory preparation.

What’s Not Covered

The warranty does not cover incidental or consequential damages, modifications, environmental factors, racing, and certain kinds of corrosion.

Maintenance and Repair

The manual provides information on how to get warranty service, including where to take the vehicle, how to get tow service, and how to get service under the Federal Emission Performance Warranties and California Emission Warranties.

Legal Rights

The manual outlines the legal rights of the vehicle owner under the warranty, including the right to implied warranties and the limitations of those warranties.


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