Certification of 1979 Model-Year Gasoline-Powered Passenger Cars

The following vehicles have been certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) under Executive Order A-9-63:

  • Make: Chrysler
  • Vehicle models: See attachment 1
  • Engine family: 9CD-318/360-4-GP
  • Exhaust emission control systems: Air injection, exhaust gas recirculation, and oxidation catalyst
  • Certification values: Hydrocarbons (0.37 g/mi), Carbon Monoxide (6.8 g/mi), and Nitrogen Oxides (1.5 g/mi)

The certified vehicles must conform to all applicable California emission regulations, and the Department of Motor Vehicles, the California Highway Patrol, and the Bureau of Automotive Repair have been notified by copy of this order and attachment.


Download: 1979 AIR RESOURCES BOARD SUPPLEMENTAL DATA SHEET – Certification of New Motor Vehicles

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