Troubleshooting Sunbeam Electric Blanket Issues

If your Sunbeam electric blanket is blinking, don’t worry! This article will help you troubleshoot the issue and get your blanket working again.

The blinking lights on your Sunbeam heating blanket can be caused by power interruptions, issues with the heating element control module, or internal problems. By understanding these potential causes, you can begin troubleshooting and resolve the issue.

To troubleshoot the issue:

Start by inspecting your power cord and plug for any visible damage. Check the control module and connections for any loose or disconnected wires.

If the issue persists, it’s recommended to contact Sunbeam’s customer support for further assistance. Remember, safety should always be your top priority when dealing with electrical issues.

By following these tips and exercising caution when dealing with electrical components, you can effectively troubleshoot and potentially fix your blinking electric blanket.


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