Safety Precautions
This instruction manual provides handling information and precautions for use of the equipment. It is essential to read this manual carefully to ensure safe installation, operation, maintenance, and inspection of the inverter.
Warning and Caution levels are used to highlight potential hazards and importance of following instructions. Failure to follow instructions can lead to serious consequences, including death, injury, or material damage.
The manual also provides precautions for electrical shock, fire prevention, and injury prevention, as well as additional instructions for transportation, mounting, and maintenance.
Emergency Stop and Trial Run
A safety backup, such as an emergency brake, must be provided for devices or equipment in the system to prevent hazardous conditions in case of failure of the inverter or an external device controlling it.
Before starting operation, each parameter must be confirmed and adjusted. Failure to do so may cause some machines to make unexpected motions.
Maintenance, Inspection, and Parts Replacement
Regular maintenance, inspection, and parts replacement are necessary to ensure the inverter operates safely and efficiently.
A separate circuit and switch must be provided for emergency stop (power OFF, mechanical brake operation for emergency stop, etc.).
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